The Top Chakra Balancing Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to help cure a variety of ailments. In recent years, essential oils have experienced a massive surge in popularity, and are commonly used to treat things like colds and congestion and promote relaxation.

Essential oils, along with meditation and yoga, can also be a powerful tool in helping to balance the chakras.

There are 7 primary chakras, which work to interconnect our spiritual and physical self. The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit, with each chakra represented a colored wheel or energy center that spins in a clockwise direction.

Our chakras absorb both the energy that we emit through our thoughts and actions, as well as the energy from the people around us. This can cause one or more chakras to become imbalanced, which can cause physical pain in the associated region of the body and a spiritual and mental disconnect.

It’s important that we work to balance our chakras, and the use of essential oils can be an excellent tool for this.

Listed below are 7 chakra balancing essential oil blends for each of the 7 primary chakras.

The Best Chakra Balancing Essential Oils

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and symbolized by the color red. When the root chakra is imbalanced, you may feel restless, easily irritated, disconnected and have lower back pain.

Suggested essential oils to balance the root chakra:

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhistana)

The sacral chakra is located in the pelvic area and is symbolized by the color orange. When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, you may feel low self-esteem, detached and unemotional, and experience constipation, back pain and UTI’s.

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Suggested essential oils to balance the sacral chakra:

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper part of your belly, between the navel and the solar plexus, and is symbolized by the color yellow. When the solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, you may feel a lack of self-control, depression, low self-esteem, and experience reflux, constipation, stomach ulcers, overeating, fatigue and laziness.

Suggested essential oils to balance the solar plexus chakra:

Related: Best Essential Oils for Meditation

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest in line with the heart, and is symbolized by the color green. When the heart chakra is imbalanced, you may feel lonely, socially anxious, overly critical, suspicious and fearful. Physical symptoms of an imbalanced heart chakra include heart disease, breathing problems, and bronchitis.

Suggested essential oils to balance the heart chakra:

5. Throat Chakra (Vishudda)

The throat chakra is located in the neck and is symbolized by the color blue. When the throat chakra is imbalanced, you may feel unable to express yourself, fear of ridicule, and an inability to speak your truth. Additionally, you may experience neck pain, teeth grinding, sore or hoarse throat and dental problems.

Suggested essential oils to balance the throat chakra:

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The third eye chakra is located on the forehead and in the brain, between the eyebrows, and is symbolized by the color indigo. When the third eye chakra is imbalanced, you may feel fear, a lack of direction, depression and an inability to focus. Physical symptoms of an imbalanced third eye chakra include headaches and sinus conditions.

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Suggested essential oils to balance the third eye chakra:

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra is located at the crown of the head and is symbolized by the color violet. When the crown chakra is imbalanced, you may feel loneliness, spiritual disconnection, isolation and meaningless. Physical symptoms include migraines, exhaustion and hair loss.

Suggested essential oils to balance the crown chakra include:

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The Top Chakra Balancing Essential Oils

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