Who Is Sadhguru? Learn All You Need to Know about the Yogi

Who Is Sadhguru? – An Introduction to the Renowned Yogi

Jagadish Vasudev (Jaggi), or Sadhguru, is a renowned yoga guru from the south of India, known worldwide for his spiritual messages, meditation, philanthropy, wisdom, and insightful books. He has been teaching people how to overcome the challenging task of establishing harmony between spirit, body, and mind.

He began teaching yoga in 1982 and quickly rose to fame for his influential teaching style and for bringing a positive change in the lives of others.

In 1992, Sadhguru started the Isha Foundation, which is now world-famous as a center for yoga and spiritual knowledge. It also operates as an ashram where people can live for a few days to disconnect from the physical world and learn about themselves from a more enlightening perspective through meditation.

The Isha Foundation is the primary source where Sadhguru spreads his spiritual knowledge and offers people programs for yoga and other community development and social initiatives.

Sadhguru is a simple man with a simple goal. He works for the poor and the needy and has vowed to establish better healthcare centers in 54000 villages of Tamil Nadu for the rural poor. Aside from that, Sadhguru has also been working on a plan to plant 114 million trees all over Tamil Nadu to increase the forest density and greenery in the region.

For all his uplifting hard work for the environment, Sadhguru was presented an award by the Indian Government called the Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar, which offered him a large sum of cash and respectful recognition.

Shri Pranab Mukherjee granting the Padma Vibhushan Award to Sadhguru

Sadhguru Meditation

According to Sadguru, his name is not a title but a mere description of himself to the world. Sadhguru translates into the “Uneducated Guru,” as he shuns away any attributions of high holiness to himself and presents himself as a simple man.

Sadhguru is not well-versed in scriptures but believes that the knowledge about nature and the world does not come from scholarship but from a more profound experience with the things around us. Sadhguru offers his method of knowing our ultimate nature as the most effective form of meditation.

What Is Sadhguru Meditation?

Sadhguru shares his personal take on meditation as something utterly different from the modern idea of meditation. According to him, meditation isn’t something you do, but meditation is something you can be.

Sadhguru explains that to be in a state of meditation means to have a quality that can foster a harmonious balance of our emotions, mind, body, and a certain level of prepared energy. Furthermore, he explains how just like the onset of a spring, we can brace our body and mind for the world in the same way.  

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What Is the Purpose of Sadhguru Meditation?

Sadhguru shares with his followers that in today’s world, where people are plagued with the disease of self-entitlement, the best way one can understand themselves is through the art of personal management.

Without actually knowing ourselves, a human will always remain displaced within themselves. It is in these dire situations that knowing ourselves through the power of meditation becomes a necessity.

All in all, the real purpose of meditation in today’s busy world is self-preservation. Sadhguru believes that meditation is a kind of inner technology that allows people to engineer their inner being or system.

Although many people new to Sadhguru meditation may question the need for such inner technology and why must we engineer ourselves? The answer to these complex questions is extremely simple. Sadhguru avers that our body, tired of all the abuse it faces, consciously and unconsciously is taking revenge on us and is turning against itself.

We cannot manage what we were provided with at birth without learning the art of warfare since we are our own enemy here. If we leave our mind and body to be at their discretion, it will be nothing more than a careless act on our part.

All of this neglect and carelessness against our bodies has resulted in hundreds of diseases worldwide that humans themselves have created. Sadhguru believes that since we have the capability to create problems, we also have the talents and power to overcome them. One of the ways one can care for their body and stop fighting against it is through mediation.

Younger Sadhguru meditating and pondering while sitting on a chair

Sadhguru Books

Sadhguru is not just a yogi who teaches spirituality in an Ashram, but he is a flourishing and successful book author. He has written multiple books regarding yoga, mindfulness, and spirituality. The most popular books he has written are Karma: A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Your Destiny and Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy.

Both books have been a part of The New York Times Best Seller list owing to their guiding knowledge and fantastic writing style. Sadhguru has also written Death: An Inside Story and Mystic’s Musings. Most of his works focus on spirituality and how to attain inner peace and mindfulness. From eating a healthier diet to improving one’s perspective to learning about death, Sadhguru books cover everything.  

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Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy

In one of the most popular Sadhguru books, Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy, Sadhguru shows readers the way of attaining ultimate personal well-being through classical yoga.

He retells his personal story to readers about how he had an enlightening awakening in childhood. Sadhguru was a young boy who had a genuine affection for nature at a young age, but as he grew up, he became more daring and even crossed the whole Indian subcontinent riding a motorcycle.

He related the exact moment he discovered enlightenment as an experience when time stood still, and he resurfaced as a new man. The book offers a guiding path to unique individuals interested in finding the deeper side of themselves and learning profound wisdom from Sadhguru. Many people believe that Inner Engineering presents an innovative way of thinking about the world and the chance to attain a life of fulfillment and joy.

Buy a copy of A Yogi’s Guide to Joy

Mystic’s Musings

This is one of the most interesting Sadhguru books as it is an intriguing collection of wisdom from Sadhguru’s talks and discourses. Mystic’s Musings is a book that compels the readers to look into the authenticity and the truth of things around them.

From discussing the core of the existence of human beings to discussing ways one can go beyond their fears, this book is for people who are strong-headed and enjoy an exciting conversation about reality, existence, life, hopes, struggles, and other abstract topics.

Hand-in-hand with logic, this book helps us answer questions relating to death, rebirth, karma, suffering, life, and the self-discovering journey of the self.

Buy a copy of Mystic’s Musings here

Sadhguru in conversation with WIPO Director General

Related: Sadhguru’s Most Inspirational Quotes

Sadhguru Videos

Aside from his literary works, Sadhguru has also made videos that share his message of spirituality and peace among the masses. Most of his videos feature sermons and talks related to mysticism and worldly and other-worldly topics that enlighten people new to Sadhguru’s philosophies.

People who seek answers to specific spiritual questions can often be seen in Sadhguru videos. He goes into a deep discourse with them and presents solutions and answers with his illuminating wisdom regarding fate, the compulsions of life, human misery, pain, and the contradictions in our lives.

Some Sadhguru videos focus on his talks as he speaks about his perceptions on the variety of life, the impact of karma, what it means to be a Hindu, inner transformation, and the art of maintaining relationships.

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Do You Know Who You Really Are? | Sadhguru Answers

Sadhguru answers a seeker’s questions on the purpose of life and explains what it takes to know the nature of one’s existence.

Sadhguru – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Sadhguru?

Sadhguru is a yogi, visionary, mystic, and spiritual teacher for anyone interested in making a difference in their perspective of life. Sadhguru’s way of life and his work show how yoga and mindfulness are critical elements for the well-being of the modern individual. He presents yoga and mindfulness as a part of contemporary science and includes pragmatic and profound examples to support his thoughts.

How old is Sadhguru?

Sadhguru was born in 1957 on the 3rd of September. He is in his early sixties. Sadhguru received enlightenment at the age of 25 on September 23rd when he was resting on a rock and suddenly couldn’t differentiate between himself and the nature around him. He felt spiritual ecstasy during this sudden but life-changing experience.

Where is Sadhguru now?

Sadhguru often travels worldwide on tours and gives sermons and talks regarding his philosophies on life, death, mindfulness, and more. He has visited North America and has even finished a 10,000-mile journey through the continent on his motorcycle.

Moreover, he has visited countries like Turkey, Romania, the United Kingdom, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Bhutan, etc. Nevertheless, he can mostly be found in the Ashram built in Coimbatore called the Isha Foundation.

Where is Sadhguru from?

Sadhguru is originally from Mysore, a city in the southwest of India’s Karnataka state. The city is famous for the Mysore Palace, a blend of Indian religious and cultural identities: Rajput, Gothic, Islamic, and Hindu styles.

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Image Credit – President’s Secretariat (GODL-India)GODL-India, via Wikimedia Commons

Image Credit – Indian yogi and author Sadhguru, on YoutubeCC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Image Credit – “WIPO Director General Discusses Innovation with Sadhguru” by WIPO | OMPI is marked with CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Image Credit – “An Insight, An Idea with Sadhguru” by World Economic Forum is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

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