How to Make DIY Natural Deodorant (without baking soda)

The raw ingredients to make natural DIY deodorant

Have you ever wanted to make your own organic deodorant and ditch your dependency on store bought products that contain potentially harmful and unnatural products?

Today I’m sharing my simple DIY Natural Deodorant (without baking soda) which smells great and is also amazingly effective! You can make a large batch in less than 15 minutes and it will quickly become a welcome addition in your daily self care routine. And unlike most similar recipes it does not contain baking soda, which can irritate your skin, so this recipe works great if you have sensitive skin.

Since creating this recipe I’ve shared many jars with close friends and family all of whom, have now stopped buying commercial deodorants.

Why and How I Became interested in Making My Own Deodorant

Many store bought products have toxic ingredients and some even have known carcinogens. Typical anti-perspirants and deodorants include aluminum which clogs your pores to temporarily stop you from sweating. Some people have said that aluminum can cause hormone and other imbalances. And sweating is a natural process that your body uses to regulate your temperature and sweat out toxins (aka “detoxify”). I even tried many “natural” store bough products but they either did not work to keep me fresh smelling or they had baking soda as an ingredient and it burned and irritated my skin. So my formula has no baking soda and it won’t irritate your skin!

The quest for a non toxic deodorant that actually works at is what led me on my quest for a 100% natural do it yourself (DIY) deodorant. Over the last ten years, and many batches, I’ve finally come up with what is an amazing recipe. Seriously, every single person that has tried it has loved it. And the great thing about the ingredient list is that you can use the same ingredients for many other DIY home projects too.

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This deodorant formula is life changing and it will help you to remove un natural products from. your daily routine. And I’ve tested this formula out in hot desert climates in Southern California. This deodorant works even in 100+ degree weather and has been field tested by myself and many friends and family. So it should work awesome for you too, regardless of where you live.

Anyway…today I wanted to share this formula with you!

The process to make this is super quick and easy. It only takes a few minutes to make a large batch of 100% natural, organic deodorant that you can share with your friends and family.

Okay, lets get ready to to make your first batch of my DIY Natural Deodorant that doesn’t contain either baking soda or shea butter.

What’s in my DIY Deodorant? (ingredient descriptions)

Here is a list of the ingredients and what what they do and how they work in the formula:

  • Coconut Oil – Soothes skin and reduces razor bumps
  • Almond Oil – Rich in proteins & vitamin D
  • Zinc Ricinoleate – Non-toxic odor neutralizer. Traps and absorbs odors
  • Candelilla Wax (vegan) – Absorbs excess moisture and thickens deodorant
  • Arrowroot Powder – Absorbs excess moisture and thickens deodorant. 
  • Zinc Oxide – Treats minor skin irritations

DIY All-Natural Deodorant Formula:

To get started making this deodorant, measure out these ingredients:

2 TBSP coconut oil

2 TBSP Sweet Almond Oil 

2 TBSP Zinc Ricinoleate 

1/4 Cup Candelilla (Vegan) Wax

1/4 Cup Arrowroot Powder 

1.5 Tsp Zinc Oxide Powder

20 drops Essential oils (optional) 

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Instructions – How to Make My All-Natural Deodorant

There are just 4 quick and easy steps. You can make a large batch in less than 15 minutes.

  1. Melt coconut oil, sweet almond oil, zinc ricinoleate and candelilla wax in a double boiler over medium heat. 
  2. Remove from heat and add arrowroot powder and zinc oxide 
  3. Mix well. I use an immersion blender like this one
  4. Add essential oils and pour into a glass container.

A picture of my double boiler setup

starting step 1 with the double boiler setup


The final step – adding some essential oils

The finished product in a jar

How to use this DIY Deodorant

This DIY Natural deodorant is firm but also easy to apply. Just take a small amount and rub it into your armpits. Easy, peasy.

I recommend jars like these – they are relatively inexpensive and come in a 12 pack so you will have enough to share with family and friends too.

Note – if you are used to using an anti-perspirant when you first switch to a deodorant, you will likely sweat A LOT the first week. Just FYI so you know to expect this and won’t freak out. It will take your body some days to adjust as you eliminate aluminum and all of those other additives from your daily routine. Your body will thank you.

I’d love to hear from you – hope you try this recipe and please leave a comment below!

If you don’t want to make your own deodorant, here are the best natural deodorants for women that you can buy in the store.

7 thoughts on “How to Make DIY Natural Deodorant (without baking soda)”

  1. I made your all natural deodorant without baking soda in it came out horrible. The ingredients are very expensive Even buying them on Amazon. ingredientseven buying them on Amazon. I spent over $85 on all the ingredients that I needed. I had the arrowroot powder and I had the jars.
    I cannot even spread it. It does not have a creamy consistency. It’s hard and when I try to spread it it gets into little balls. Maybe I’ve done something wrong. Maybe I put too much arrowroot. I really need your help because after spending all this money on these ingredients I would like for this to work. By the way, and the consistency that it is now it doesn’t work. I actually smell.

    • Hi Sandy – Glad to hear you got the ingredients. Sorry you are frustrated. 🙁

      The good news is that this is really easy to fix!

      First, reheat the batch until it is smooth. And make sure you mix it up well and all the ingredients are well blended or emulsified.

      Question – Did you add the essential oils? If not make sure to add them. Everyone’s body has a different ph and that affects our body odor so you may need more essential oils to tailor it to your body. Oh, and if you are coming from an anti-perspirant (and not a deodorant), as I mentioned in the blog post, it will take your body some time to adjust.

      I hope this info helps…Please let me know, so I can help you troubleshoot and have an awesome outcome.

        • I was thinking of putting it in a double boiler and melting it again and maybe adding more coconut oil to make it creamier and smoother. Now adding baking powder, wouldn’t that have the same affect as baking soda. Baking soda tears my under arms up. I get a horrible rash from it.

          • Yes, try the melting with the double boiler again to start. That should get you to the right consistency. I’d recommend that before you start changing or adding the ingredients. I just wanted to add the baking soda in as a suggestion, but if you’re sensitive then don’t do that. Please keep me posted.

  2. Hello,
    Thank you for the recipe, I noticed when you gave the ingredients you did not mention the Shea Butter and when you gave instructions you mentioned Shea Butter, if there is Shea Nutter, what is the amount used? Thank you, Marta

    • Hi Marta – thanks for your comment. You actually caught a typo! I have fixed it, so it reads correctly. 🙂 That first ingredient is coconut oil (not shea butter).


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